Saturday, 31 August 2013

the loner

being locked in and like lasers for me
the line like moat that separates me
from this talking, shouting, laughing mob
and my soul takes onslaught like an attack
woebegone and so alone, like a monk
jamil opts some noise of his own
the strength obstructing, silencing all
be the mute norms, these stims of mine.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Weird World

This world is really painfully weird

I am torn between my experiences
Good and beratedly bad
And sometimes I wonder
If this world is skewed
Answering my words
Analyzing my query
The world replies
Actually that answer
Is for people who are neurotypical
The world works, the world revolves
At their commands
According to their needs
And the weird world
And really strange people
Are the normal ones?
And what about others?
Should we keep quiet?
As this weird painful world goes on.

Monday, 5 August 2013


energy it needs
learning and doing
picking a goal
working to get it
quite difficult at first
winning as a right
when working so hard
trying to quit all fear
reaching your obstacle
figuring out how
deciding to tackle
the biggest battle
I embrace the challenge
I welcome the growth.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

another ant another goal

ants work and work
and I work and work
and enigma our lives remain
all this work and bustle
what for? I ask
ants are too insignificant
and what ability got ants
to change this world?
they answer we have force
enormous in numbers
what ignoramus I am?
they are unroped and unfettered
and so tiny a power
and amass when they do
bring all to a stop
angry and totally a swarm to answer
ants are totally a power to behold.