Saturday, 1 March 2014

An enigma

You thank therapist to answer the issue
Enigmatic and mysterious me comes up anew
And really until totally fixed
Body will keep annoying you
And to solve this enigma
Remains the work.

At woe

Woeful state of abnormal body
And why answer toys around
Flying around and annoying me
Diabolically quick at eluding me
Work still must continue
Woeful annoyance must be fixed.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Yes I talk

To talk won't mean voice
And although words are there
Only to read you must allow
Would that I could I would speak
Yet that I cannot do now
So talk would take typing
And to enjoy my talk reading.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

I will turn a corner

Embarrassed l get
At work it need
Work repetitive and tough
And perhaps annoying
Others find prompting.
I know what to do
This body refuses to move
The words and gestures
Are silent oil
To this engine seized
By this wretched disease
That rules supreme
Asylum I seem to seek
So lend me some oasis
Defeat this monster.

Only well I am feeling

The annoying sniffles
The annoying coughing
The aching joints
The sore throat
At this time
Are destroyed by immunity
The work of my body
Rising to the challenge
The results of rest
And good healthy diet.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Have an enhanced reading experience

The reader in my iPad
Turns the stim finally off
The rustle and satisfaction
Finally absent so that i
Focus finally on the words
That I read understanding
Works well read by me
The screen unobtrusive
Unlike paper which beckons
The senses and mind
To touch and sound automatically
Drawing me into intoxication
The reading second ah joy
So better for me
To read on iPad.